Frequently Asked Questions
I'd like to become a member. How can I join the Michigan Orchid Society?
We try to make joining MOS simple and affordable for everyone. Membership dues are $15 per year, either individual, couple or Family, with the option to have a nametag for an additional $5 (one time payment). Newsletters are sent by email.
Please make checks payable to "Michigan Orchid Society". Please click here to download the membership application form to include with the check. Mail checks to:
MOS c/o D. Dudas
4737 Baldwin
Metamora, MI 48455
If you are a new member please write NEW MEMBERSHIP on your check. If you are renewing your membership, please write RENEWAL on your check -- and remember to send it out each year on January 1st!
What are the benefits of membership with the Michigan Orchid Society?
We're glad you asked! By becoming a member, you are supporting the mission of the Michigan Orchid Society, and helping us educate the public about the beauty, science, history, and culture of orchids. You'll get access to our member newsletter by email. Best of all, you'll gain access to all of our member meetings, the speakers we invite to present at those meetings, and the amazing resource that is your fellow Orchid Society members.